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By Ana Marić

I see the glass glass statue on the floor.

Glass…fragileness…clarity…art…gorgon’s piece

I am taking the statue and smashing it against the wall

Shattering…cutting…tearing apart…dent in the wall

I notice an ember leaf on the surface of the river

Autumn vibes…wind’s hands…the fluent guidance…panta rei

Suddenly, a river devoured the leaf and leaf was no more

Eternal hunger…once was…once no more…everything passes

I hear the carillon melody in front of the pink monument

Two beings embraced in amorous endeavor

Enchantment…sacred noise…triggering the mind

Becoming unified…sharing a thought…in sickness…and in despair

Just one giant thread of perpetuate signs…

hortus semioticus

Hortus Semioticus is a peer reviewed online journal of semiotics featuring new generation of semiotic researchers.

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