Autor | author: Anti Saar
Raamat on kirjutatud valguse kiirusele lähenevas tempos (300 000 m/s). Selle lugemisele keskmise kiirusega 2 lk/min kulub 600 min ≈ 10 h. Ligikaudu sama kaua kestab Boeing 747 lend Pariisist New Yorki, Tallinnast Nairobisse, Kiievist Vladivostokki või Bogotast Casablancasse.
Läbides teksti linnulennul (so: ridade kaupa ja tähekumerusi täpselt järgimata), tuleb lugejal katta ligikaudu 1,5 km. Diagonaalse lugemise distants on arvutatav Pythagorase teoreemi abil valemist: x = n√a²+b², milles a ning b olgu lehekülje kõrgus ja laius ning n lehekülgede arv raamatus.
Lugemise aja sisse mahub üks tugevam toidukord, nõudmisel serveeritakse kohvi, teed ja karastusjooke. Toit ei kuulu raamatu hinna sisse ega leidu raamatu kaante vahel. Eilsed kalakotletid on sahvris alumisel riiulil. Lisanditena võib tellida aurutatud köögivilja, riisi või friikartuleid. Suuremat õgimist ei tohiks ette võtta lugemise hinnaga.
The book was written at a tempo approaching the speed of light (300 000 km/sec). Reading it at an average speed of 2 pages per minute takes about 600 minutes, or approximately 10 hours. This is more or less the time it takes for a Boeing 747 to fly from Paris to New York, from Tallinn to Nairobi, from Kiev to Vladivostok, or from Bogota to Casablanca.
By traversing the book as the crow flies (i.e. line by line, without paying close attention to the curves of the letters), the reader must cover roughly 1,5 km. The distance to be covered in a diagonal reading is calculable using the Pythagorean Theorem in the form of the equation: x = n√a²+b², where a and b are the height and width of the page and n the number of pages in the book.
The reading time includes one strong meal; coffee, tea and soft drinks are served on demand. Food is not included in the price of the book, nor can it be found between its pages. Yesterday’s fish cutlets are in the pantry, bottom shelf. Steamed vegetables, rice or French fries can be ordered separately. Beware of excessive gorging at the cost of reading.