Hortus Semioticus 11 / 2023
Conceptualizing, Modelling, and Imagining the Future
Toimetajad | Editors: Katarina Damčević, Andrew Mark Creighton, Eleni Alexandri, and Hongjin Song
The current issue of Hortus Semioticus engages in the topic of the future(s), all the while marking the Tartu Summer School of Semiotics „Coming Soon“, which took place from 24-27 August 2023, and welcomed a variety of scholars and practitioners who provided their insights on the semiotic mediation of future(s).
The first of the three articles was authored by Ziyi Ye, and explores the representation and dynamics of trauma in the film Memoria, while stepping into scholarly dialogue with Peirce and Lacan. The second article, by Rahul Murdeshwar, presents a speculative model for locating spectral semiotic values within retro-pop cultural consumer products. Last but not least, the article by Naira Baghdasaryan considers temporal references that concern human-nature relations.
The issue also includes interviews with scholars from diverse fields who provide their own observations regarding the semiotics of the future, as well as the future of semiotics, namely George Ritzer, Raine Revere, and Anti Randviir. Some of the topics they engage with encompass the dynamics of McDonaldization and rationalization, the position of semiotics in the rapidly evolving technological environment, and the evolution of semiotics, among others.
The articles and interviews presented in the current issue are based on an interdisciplinary approach and provide fruitful insights into the intricacies of semiotics and/of the future(s). It is therefore with hope and enthusiasm that the presented contributions will further pave the way for new modes of exploring and contemplating this complex and intriguing topic.
Käesolev Hortus Semioticuse number tegeleb tuleviku/ega, markeerides ka 24.–27. augustini 2023. a. toimunud Tartu semiootika suvekooli “Coming Soon”, et koos erinevate suundade uurijate ja praktikutega heita pilk tuleviku/e semiootilisele vahendamisele.
Numbri avab Ziyi Ye artikkel, mis uurib Peirce’i ja Lacaniga dialoogis trauma representeerimist ja dünaamikat filmis Memoria. Seejärel visandab Rahul Murdeshwar oma artiklis mudeli spektraalsete semiootiliste väärtuste tuvastamiseks retropopilikes tarbekaupades. Selles numbri kolmandas artiklis analüüsib Naira Baghdasaryan ajalisi viiteid David Attenborough kõnedes ning uurib, mida need ütlevad inimese ja looduse suhete kohta.
Artiklitele lisaks oleme numbrisse koondanud kolm intervuud erinevate valdkondade uurijatega – George Ritzeriga, Raine Revere’iga, and Anti Randviiruga –, kes pakuvad oma tähelepanekuid tuleviku modelleerimisest ja ka semiootika tulevikust. Arutluse alla tulevad erinevad teemad alates mcdonaldiseerumise ja ratrionaliseerumise dünaamikast, semiootika positsioonist kiiresti muutuvas tehnoloogilises keskkonnas kuni semiootika arenguteni lähitulevikus.
Käesolevasse numbrisse koondatud artiklid ja intervjuud põhinevad interdistsiplinaarsel lähenemisel, pakkudes viljakaid mõttearendusi semiootika ja tuleviku/e kokkupuutekohtadest. Me loodame, et need loovad pinnase uutele viisidele, kuidas seda keerukat ja intrigeerivat teemat uurida ja sellest mõelda.
[PDF of the whole issue | Terviknumbri PDF]
Foreword | Eessõna | ||
Special Topic Papers: Modeling the future | ||
Ziyi Ye | The bang in Memoria as the degenerate and genuine index in the dynamics of trauma | |
Rahul Murdeshwar | Haunting futures: Spectral value in retro semiocommodities | |
Naira Baghdasaryan | The past, the future and the urgent of human-nature relations | |
Interviews | ||
An Interview with Anti Randviir on Semiotics and the future Interviewed by Eleni Alexandri | ||
An Interview with Raine Revere Interviewed by Eleni Alexandri | ||
An interview with George Ritzer on prosumption, McDonaldization, enchantment, and globalization Interviewed by Andrew Mark Creighton |