Signs of Inclusion: Inside a Behemoth’s Centre Internship Journey

Reading Time: 5 minutesMariia Korniietska MA 2, Dept. of Semiotics 15.03.2024 Signs of Inclusion: Inside a Behemoth’s Centre Internship Journey In my quest for internship opportunities this winter, I stumbled upon an offer from the Behemoth’s Centre (Peemoti keskus) on the Centre for Semiotic Application’s website. I chose to go for it and apply. Little did I know […]

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Popularizing Science: An Interview with Pauline Suzanne Delahaye.

Reading Time: 9 minutesInterviewed by Andrew Mark Creighton Andrew Mark Creighton: I understand that you are greatly involved in popularizing science. So, can you discuss your work, just generally, on this subject Pauline Suzanne Delahaye: I have a page and a channel under the name of the Dendrobate Doctor, and I am part of a collective more focused on the popularization […]

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Christmas, but in June

Reading Time: 6 minutesby Andrea Barone Renolfi We are in Tartu and it’s December. This seems like a simple statement but as someone who hail’s from the southern hemisphere this is no joking matter. If it’s not apparent yet, the combination of Christmas and winter is quite the novel one for me. Up until last year, my christmases […]

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Poster Exhibition: A glimpse into student research plans.

Reading Time: 5 minutesAutumn School of Humanities and Arts has always been an excellent platform for students to present their work and gather valuable feedback from their colleagues and attendees. Apart from the oral presentations that take place every year during the two-day conference, another option offered to the participants is to introduce their research with a poster […]

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COLLABORATIVE WORKSHOP: Semiotics meets Graphic Design

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe invite BA and MA students from the Department of Semiotics to take part in a collaborative workshop where we put the theoretical knowledge of semiotics into practice in a collaborative manner with graphic designers. The workshop will take place: January 29 – February 2, 2024, at the Department of Semiotics. The week-long workshop consists […]

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The “Boswell of biosemiotics”, a conversation with Donald Favareau

Reading Time: 12 minutes“I am interested in human beings, the real people behind science, their friendships, their frustrations, their teachers, and their students. In a certain way I became the ‘Boswell of biosemiotics’: writing down the history, trying to get everything on paper so that it is always there.” “Don”, as his friends call him, is a down-to-earth […]

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HORTUS SEMIOTICUS 12/2024 : General Issue

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are happy to introduce the new, 12th number of Hortus Semioticus edited by Hongjin Song, Eleni Alexandri, and Andrew Mark Creighton. The current issue of Hortus Semioticus travels through various topics in semiotics by presenting student works from the discipline. As a general issue, there are no specific topics here. Yet, the following illustrates the author’s […]

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Identiteedi seosed keele ja kuuluvusega: Osa 2. Identiteet ja kuuluvus

Reading Time: 3 minutesIdentiteet Identiteet kujutab endast seda, kuidas inimesed end defineerivad ja väljendavad ning on mitmekülgne ja muutuv nähtus. Ehala (2018: 16) toob välja, et nii nagu kõneldes, edastab inimene ka oma käitumise ja olekuga identiteedisignaale, mille põhjal teevad teised järeldusi tema uskumuste, hoiakute ja eeldatava käitumise kohta, muutes identiteedi mõneti sarnaseks märgiga. Rahvusidentiteeti määratletakse läbi mitmete […]

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Triangle of Sadness: When Culture Talks About Culture.

Reading Time: 20 minutesBy Eleni Alexandri Triangle of Sadness is a 2022 film written and directed by the Swedish Ruben Östlund. The two-and-a-half-hour movie is categorized as a comedy-drama, while the minimal description on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) reads: “A fashion model celebrity couple join an eventful cruise for the super-rich.”. However, Triangle of Sadness is much […]

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PhD student profile: Sebastián Nabón Hernández

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’m Sebastián Nabón Hernández, from Uruguay. I have a master’s in semiotics and cultural theories from the University of Tartu, Estonia, and a master’s in Music Composition from the Postgraduate Program in Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I’m also a composer and a musician and work as an assistant […]

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Dear Semiotics

Reading Time: < 1 minuteDear Semiotics By Oscar MiyamotoTartu, October 2nd, 2024 You are my type,I am your token.If you were a bodily syndrome,I’d be your number one symptom. “Semiosis ad infinitum” you say?Is it some kind of Tourette?Please keep talking nerdy to me.You’re such a wordy vedette. You are my symbol,I am your replica.If you were less cryptic […]

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New PhD Student Introduction: Nina Kozachynska

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWith the new academic year, Hortus Semioticus is very happy to welcome our new PhD students, the first being Nina Kozachynska. Nina is pursuing a PhD in semiotics and culture studies and a new Jr. Researcher in the department of semiotics at the University of Tartu. We asked Nina to describes her semiotic interests, and […]

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A Report on the Semiotic Summer Retreat in Olomouc.

Reading Time: 6 minutesA Report on the Semiotic Summer Retreat in Olomouc. By Nick Cavazos In the fantastic book Sonic Experience, which describes the relationship between sound and the urban environment, philosopher Jean-François Augoyard and sociologist Henry Torgue define the phenomenon of resonance as being “the vibration, in air or through solids, of a solid element. The production […]

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An interview with Andreas Panayi on the cover art of Hortus Semioticus 12th issue

Reading Time: 5 minutesAn interview with Andreas Panayi on the cover art of Hortus Semioticus 12th issue, abstract art, interpretation, and semiotics. Interviewed by Eleni Alexandri Introduction The cover art for Hortus Semioticus’s 12th issue is a unique case. Following the Collaborative Workshop organized by the University of Tartu, Department of Semiotics, Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of […]

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Sign-Pirates and Liminal Criminals: Semiofest in Porto

Reading Time: 6 minutesSign-Pirates and Liminal Criminals: Semiofest in Porto Semiofest Porto 2024. 22nd-24th May. By Martin Oja, PhD student of semiotics & manager of the Centre for Semiotic Applications in Tartu University Semiotics have broken out of the walls of the academy halls. Not long ago — just about a decade — the first Semiofest was held. […]

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hortus semioticus

Hortus Semioticus is a peer reviewed online journal of semiotics featuring new generation of semiotic researchers.

Hortus Semioticus on eelretsenseeritav semiootika võrguajakiri, mis on pühendatud uue põlvkonna semiootilistele uurimustele.


Our blog is a digital resource where everyone passionate about semiotics can share their knowledge, questions and experience on stuff that matters.

Meie blogi on koht, kus semiootikahuvilised saavad vahendada mõtteid ja infot kõigest, mis loeb.