Reading Time: 3 minutesIdentiteet Identiteet kujutab endast seda, kuidas inimesed end defineerivad ja väljendavad ning on mitmekülgne ja muutuv nähtus. Ehala (2018: 16) toob välja, et nii nagu kõneldes, edastab inimene ka oma käitumise ja olekuga identiteedisignaale, mille põhjal teevad teised järeldusi tema uskumuste, hoiakute ja eeldatava käitumise kohta, muutes identiteedi mõneti sarnaseks märgiga. Rahvusidentiteeti määratletakse läbi mitmete […]
read more >Category: SPEAK SEMIOTICS
Reading Time: 20 minutesBy Eleni Alexandri Triangle of Sadness is a 2022 film written and directed by the Swedish Ruben Östlund. The two-and-a-half-hour movie is categorized as a comedy-drama, while the minimal description on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) reads: “A fashion model celebrity couple join an eventful cruise for the super-rich.”. However, Triangle of Sadness is much […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesTshinar-Kristi Shahmardan Mitmekeelsus Mitmekeelsus ja mitmekeelsuse teema on mulle isiklikult tähtsad, kuna kasvasin mitmekeelses perekonnas ja selle tulemusena olen ka ise mitmekeelne. Tihti kohtab mitmekeelsust just mitmekultuurilise taustaga peredes ning nõnda võib juhtuda, et ühte isikusse või peresse koonduvad eri keeled ja kultuurid. Tänapäeval räägitakse mitmekeelsusest üha rohkem, küllap seetõttu, et mitmekeelseid ja mitmekultuurilisi peresid […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesAutumn School of Humanities and Arts has always been an excellent platform for students to present their work and gather valuable feedback from their colleagues and attendees. Apart from the oral presentations that take place every year during the two-day conference, another option offered to the participants is to introduce their research with a poster […]
read more >Reading Time: 12 minutes“I am interested in human beings, the real people behind science, their friendships, their frustrations, their teachers, and their students. In a certain way I became the ‘Boswell of biosemiotics’: writing down the history, trying to get everything on paper so that it is always there.” “Don”, as his friends call him, is a down-to-earth […]
read more >Reading Time: 3 minutesIngrid Udeküll Kui Arno isaga koolimajja jõudis… – ei see on küll vale algus… Ja semiootik ei ole ma ka tegelikult… Minu lugu algab nii: kui teised kõik veel oma suvevaheaja viimaseid päevi nautisid, olid minu päevad täis semiootikat. Üks päev istusin vanematekodus köögilaua taga ja lugesin meile – üks, hiljem vägagi oluliseks muutuv, intrigeeris […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesBy Tshinar-Kristi Shahmardan Hello there! My name is Tshinar-Kristi Shahmardan, and my journey into the world of semiotics has been as unexpected as it has been fascinating. My academic journey began in the chaos of the COVID pandemic. Having finished high school during such uncertain times, I plunged into university life, which was as unconventional […]
read more >Reading Time: 18 minutesThis paper aims at providing a critical analysis of the video game “Persona 3”, examining the resemiotization and intersemiotics involved, in order to construct an intricate narrative, and build a new world. The plethora of cultural elements, and mythologies from all around the world, in combination with Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic, and the complex game-play, provide a unique experience for the player that can be perfectly analyzed under the light of semiotics. This video game could work as an example to illustrate and explain different notions of semiotics; beyond that, this dissertation could be the basis of further research that will, hopefully, contribute in the field of Semiotics of Video Games.
read more >Reading Time: 6 minutesTshinar-Kristi Shahmardan Using Digital Tools to Study Contemporary Sermons – By Riti Ly Lukk The first presentation I watched was by Riti Ly Lukk, titled “Using Digital Tools to Study Contemporary Sermons“. The author uses a web collection named Corpus for conducting the research, which they refer to as “a convenient tool for research”. The […]
read more >Reading Time: 11 minutesHongjin Song The Theme In China, all pupils will learn this story in their first or second grade in primary school: there was an elephant and a group of blind men. The blind men wanted to know what exactly an elephant was like, so they fumbled the elephant. The one who touched the ivory declared […]
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