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Editors | Toimetajad: Riin Magnus, Nelly Mäekivi and Morten Tønnessen

This Special Issue of Hortus Semioticus on the semiotics of nature offers the readers a variety of papers about nature, more specifically on topics of meaning, representation, signification, etc. All of the authors of the current issue are MA or PhD students, and their contributions emphasize semiotic aspects in and of nature.

Biosemiotics and other brands of semiotics of nature have played, and do play, a decisive role within semiotics in Estonia and Tartu, as they do in a number of other semiotic centres in countries like Denmark, the Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, and the USA. The last few years have seen several events in Tartu related to semiotics of nature, organised by the Department of Semiotics and Jakob von Uexküll Centre. Another such event of international scope follows next year, when the conference “Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations” is arranged (Tartu, April 4-8, 2011).

Ajakirja Hortus Semioticus eriväljaanne looduse semiootikast koondab valiku looduse tähenduste, representatsioonide, taju, jt lähedaste teemadega seotud artikleid. Mitmed rahvusvahelised ajakirjad on juba avaldanud looduse semiootika teemalisi eriväljaandeid. Nende jätkuks võib pidada ka antud väljaannet, mis vahendab noorte uurijate töid nii semiootikast kui sellega külgnevatelt aladelt. Kõik erinumbri kaastööde autorid on magistri- või doktoriõppe tudengid, kelle artiklid puudutavad looduse semiootilisi aspekte.


Editors’ forewordpdf
Remo GramignaAugustine’s legacy for the history of zoosemioticspdf
John Haglund and Johan BlombergThe meaning-sharing networkpdf
Silver RattaseppThe idea of the extended organism in the 20th century history of ideaspdf
Sara CannizzaroOn form, function and meaning: working out the foundations of biosemioticspdf
Svitlana BiedarievaReflections in the Umweltenpdf
Arlene TuckerA metaphor is a metaphorpdf
Patrick MasiusWhat are elephants doing in a Nazi concentration camp?
The meaning of nature in the human catastrophe
The bio-translator. Interview with professor in biosemiotics Kalevi Kullpdf
Kaie Kotov
Do you mind? Does it matter? Semiotics as a Science of Noosphere
 Acta Semiotica Estica VII (in Estonian)