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Toimetajad | Editors: Hongjin Song, Eleni Alexandri, Andrew Mark Creighton

Art and cover design: Andreas Panayi

The current issue of Hortus Semioticus travels through various topics in semiotics by presenting student works from the discipline. As a general issue, there are no specific topics here. Yet, the following illustrates the author’s concerns regarding the world that semiotics promises to us.

The first article, “Semiotic Perception of Cuteness in Grogu” by Juan Sebastián Zamudio González, concerns the filmic representation of cuteness in the case of Grogu, or “Baby Yoda”, in “The Mandalorian” (2019) series, from the perspective of Konrad Lorenz’s idea of Kindchenschema. The second text, Sebastián Nabón Hernández’s article “Covert Intermediality between Poetry and Music:…il remoto silenzio (2002) for Violoncello Solo by Graciela Paraskevaídis” focuses on the intricate relationship between music and poetry in the case of Graciela Paraskevaidís’ Violoncello solo Il Remoto Silenzio. “Functioning of Intersemiotic Translation Operations on the Theoretical Representation of a Black Hole to the Cinematographic Presentation” by Joaquin Mendoza Pérez is the third piece in this issue. The article investigates an interesting topic for contemporary times, using black holes to demonstrate the interplay between science and art, where neither can fully detail our reality. The final article, “Intertextuality in Multimodal Advertising Discourse as an Object of Cultural Semiotics: A Case Study of IKEA’s “Let’s Relax” Advertisement” by Nora Lapinskaitė, is a case study on how advertisements convey their message to audiences. The text is exemplified via IKEA’s commercial “Let’s Relax” (2016) and demonstrates the multilayered and rich meanings imbued into contemporary commercials. 

Apart from the four articles, this issue also features an interview between Siiri Tarrikas and Evripides Zantides (In both English and Estonian). In the interview, Zantides shares his experiences of discovering semiotics in the course of studying graphic communication while also discussing the application of semiotics in practice. The second interview, which was held between Eero Tarasti and Sebastián Nabón, focuses on Tarasti’s academic tracks of being a semiotician and further addresses how musical semiotics differentiates itself from musicology. 

The articles and interviews in this issue adopt an interdisciplinary approach, offering valuable perspectives on the complexities of semiotics and future studies. With optimism and enthusiasm, it is hoped that these contributions will inspire new ways of thinking and examining this multifaceted and fascinating subject.

Käesolev Hortus Semioticuse number on väga eripalgelise sisuga üldnumber, kus uurimisele tulevad filmitegelased, muusikapalad, kosmiliste nähtuste filmikujutised ja reklaamid.

Numbri esimeses artiklis “Nunnususe semiootiline tajumine Grogu näitel” uurib Juan Sebastián Zamudio Gonzálezi nunnususe kinematograafilist kujutamist Tähesõdade sarja Grogu ehk Beebi Yoda näitel Konrad Lorenzi Kindchenschema kaudu.

Teine, Sebastián Nabón Hernándezi artikkel “Varjatud intermeedialisus luule ja muusika vahel: Graciela Paraskevaídise “… il remoto silenzio” (2002) soolotšellole” keskendub muusika ja luule keerulisele suhtele Graciela Paraskevaidíse teoses “… il remoto silenzio”. Varjatud intermediaalsuse kontseptsiooni abil uurib artikkel “… il remoto silenzio” elementide poeetilist päritolu ning konstrueerib kahe kunstiliigi vahelisi suhteid paradigmaatilise jaotuse ja süntagmaatiliste suhete vaatenurgast.

Joaquin Mendoza käsitleb artiklis “Musta augu teoreetilise mudeli intersemiootiline tõlge kinematograafiliseks representatsiooniks filmis Tähtedevaheline” teadusliku ja kinematograafilise diskursuse vahelist pinget, uurides musta augu kujutamise Christopher Nolani filmis Tähtedevaheline (2014).

Numbri viimane artikkel, Nora Lapinskaitė „Intertekstuaalsus multimodaalses reklaamidiskursuses kui kultuurisemiootika objekt: IKEA reklaami „Let’s Relax” juhtumiuuring” uurib, kuidas reklaamid oma sõnumit vaatajaskonnale edastavad, kasutades selleks Juri Lotmani tekst-tekstis kontseptsiooni.

Lisaks neljale artiklile on selles numbris ka kaks intervjuud. Esimene neist on Siiri Tarrikase intervjuu Evripides Zantidesega. Intervjuus räägib Zantides, kuidas ta graafilise kommunikatsiooni õppimise käigus tutvus semiootikaga ning jagab oma kogemusi semiootika rakendamisest praktikas. Teises, Sebastián Nabóni intervjuus Eero Tarastiga räägitakse Tarasti akadeemilisest teekonnast, muusikasemiootika ja muusikateaduse erinevustest ning vaikuse rollist.

Selle numbri artiklid kasutavad sageli interdistsiplinaarset lähenemist, andes väärtusliku panuse semiootilikasse ja pakkudes huvitavaid tulevastesiuurimisperspektiive. Loodame optimistlikult ja entusiastlikult, et siin avaldatud uurimused ja intervjuud inspireerivad uusi mõtlemisviise ja uurimissuundi.


[PDF of the whole issue | Terviknumbri PDF]

Foreword | Eessõnapdf
Juan Sebastián Zamudio GonzálezSemiotic Perception of Cuteness in Grogupdf
Sebastián Nabón HernándezCovert Intermediality between Poetry and Music:…il remoto silenzio (2002) for Violoncello Solo by Graciela Paraskevaídispdf
Joaquin Mendoza PérezFunctioning of Intersemiotic Translation Operations on the Theoretical Representation of a Black Hole to the Cinematographic Presentationpdf
Nora LapinskaitėIntertextuality in Multimodal Advertising Discourse as an Object of Cultural Semiotics: A Case Study of IKEA’s “Let’s Relax” Advertisementpdf
An Interview with Evripides Zantides on Semiotics and Graphic Design
Interviewed by Siiri Tarrikas
Intervjuu Evripides Zantidesega semiootikast ja graafilisest disainist
Intervjueeris Siiri Tarrikas
An Interview with Eero Tarasti on Semiotics, Music and Silence
Interviewed by Sebastián Nabón