Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are happy to introduce the new, 12th number of Hortus Semioticus edited by Hongjin Song, Eleni Alexandri, and Andrew Mark Creighton. The current issue of Hortus Semioticus travels through various topics in semiotics by presenting student works from the discipline. As a general issue, there are no specific topics here. Yet, the following illustrates the author’s […]
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Reading Time: 6 minutesA Report on the Semiotic Summer Retreat in Olomouc. By Nick Cavazos In the fantastic book Sonic Experience, which describes the relationship between sound and the urban environment, philosopher Jean-François Augoyard and sociologist Henry Torgue define the phenomenon of resonance as being “the vibration, in air or through solids, of a solid element. The production […]
read more >Reading Time: 7 minutesInterviewed by Paola Pianese Introduction Have you ever asked yourself: “What if I hadn’t studied semiotics in Tartu? Would my approach to semiotics be different? Would I know different things now?” I’d say… perhaps. I’m currently studying for a Master’s degree in Semiotics in Bologna, but I spent 6 months in Tartu as an exchange […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesMariia Korniietska MA 2, Dept. of Semiotics 15.03.2024 Signs of Inclusion: Inside a Behemoth’s Centre Internship Journey In my quest for internship opportunities this winter, I stumbled upon an offer from the Behemoth’s Centre (Peemoti keskus) on the Centre for Semiotic Application’s website. I chose to go for it and apply. Little did I know […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesAutumn School of Humanities and Arts has always been an excellent platform for students to present their work and gather valuable feedback from their colleagues and attendees. Apart from the oral presentations that take place every year during the two-day conference, another option offered to the participants is to introduce their research with a poster […]
read more >Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe invite BA and MA students from the Department of Semiotics to take part in a collaborative workshop where we put the theoretical knowledge of semiotics into practice in a collaborative manner with graphic designers. The workshop will take place: January 29 – February 2, 2024, at the Department of Semiotics. The week-long workshop consists […]
read more >Reading Time: 16 minutesInterviewed by Andrew Mark Creighton Introduction IMPRINT, an exhibition on dark-themed collages and print art, is currently being hosted at TYPA Gallery. The exhibition, which opened on November 30th and will continue until December 30th, is the initiative of Dylan Michilsen and Agve Urm, the editors of Semioculus, a zine dedicated to the “worlds of […]
read more >Reading Time: 5 minutesBy Tshinar-Kristi Shahmardan Hello there! My name is Tshinar-Kristi Shahmardan, and my journey into the world of semiotics has been as unexpected as it has been fascinating. My academic journey began in the chaos of the COVID pandemic. Having finished high school during such uncertain times, I plunged into university life, which was as unconventional […]
read more >Reading Time: 4 minutesEmma Lotta Lõhmus & Mia Riin Roosaluu XXII semiootika sügiskooli tuumidee sündis arusaamast, et tõelise ja soovitud reaalsuse vahele jääb alati mingisugune pinge, nihestus, mis kujutab endast äärmiselt viljakat territooriumi. Täna utoopilise või düstoopilisena tunduv võib homme muutuda argireaalsuseks. Kuidas unistada reaalsustaju kaotamata? Kuidas saab utoopiast düstoopia? Milliseid olemise viise võib ette kujutada, kui isegi […]
read more >Reading Time: 11 minutesHongjin Song The Theme In China, all pupils will learn this story in their first or second grade in primary school: there was an elephant and a group of blind men. The blind men wanted to know what exactly an elephant was like, so they fumbled the elephant. The one who touched the ivory declared […]
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