Hortus Semioticus on Tartu Ülikooli semiootika osakonna eelretsenseeritav võrguväljaanne, mille eesmärgiks on vahendada üliõpilaste semiootikauurimusi laiemale lugejaskonnale. Ajakirja toitvaks pinnaseks on uudishimu ja uurimislust ning seda iseloomustab kõik see, mis on aiale omane: ideede värskus, kasvamine ja kasvatamine ning õidepuhkemine. See on uue põlvkonna semiootika, millel puudub akadeemiline autopiloot ning väheseid asju peetakse enesestmõistetavaks.
Hortus Semioticus is a peer-reviewed online journal for the semiotic research of a new generation. The goals of the journal – to publish student research – imply many of the things that gardens are about: freshness, growth, blooming and cultivation. The driving force behind the journal is curiosity and the joy of inquiry, as its authors have yet to switch on their academic autopilots: there are only a few things that are considered common sense. Published by the department of semiotics, University of Tartu.
General Issue | Üldnumber
Edited by Hongjin Song, Eleni Alexandri, Andrew Mark Creighton
Foreword | Eessõna | ||
Juan Sebastián Zamudio González | Semiotic Perception of Cuteness in Grogu | |
Sebastián Nabón Hernández | Covert Intermediality between Poetry and Music:…il remoto silenzio (2002) for Violoncello Solo by Graciela Paraskevaídis | |
Joaquin Mendoza Pérez | Functioning of Intersemiotic Translation Operations on the Theoretical Representation of a Black Hole to the Cinematographic Presentation | |
Nora Lapinskaitė | Intertextuality in Multimodal Advertising Discourse as an Object of Cultural Semiotics: A Case Study of IKEA’s “Let’s Relax” Advertisement | |
An Interview with Evripides Zantides on Semiotics and Graphic Design Interviewed by Siiri Tarrikas | ||
Intervjuu Evripides Zantidesega semiootikast ja graafilisest disainist Intervjueeris Siiri Tarrikas | ||
An Interview with Eero Tarasti on Semiotics, Music and Silence Interviewed by Sebastián Nabón |