With the new academic year, Hortus Semioticus is very happy to welcome our new PhD students, the first being Nina Kozachynska. Nina is pursuing a PhD in semiotics and culture studies and a new Jr. Researcher in the department of semiotics at the University of Tartu. We asked Nina to describes her semiotic interests, and to send a photo or picture important to her. Here is how she relied:
My interests revolve around ubiquitous and boundless concepts and their more concrete embodiment (praxis): the semiotic and the symbolic (Kristeva) — cultural autocommunication — performance — intersemiotic translation. Moving from boundless concepts to their embodiments (and vice versa) will also imply other interests that I hope to develop more: structural narratology, spatial semiotics, and vectorisation theory (Pavis)…
And so, this picture by Ukrainian artist Ivan Marchuk, aptly named Tired Melody, nicely illustrates what we all do: trying to connect interests with countless threads. I hope to weave a unity from threads of meaning, visible and unseen. A wholeness that holds within it the intricate intertwining, along with the traces of movements through which paintings resonate, and melodies take on a visible form. Capturing the inevitable and the fleeting.
Photo credit: Ivan Marachuk’s Tired Melody