Making Meaning with Morten and Martin

Reading Time: 16 minutesInterviewed by Thorolf van Walsum Though it is a pattern familiar to all those who have observed the development of many a young man, I account for my interest in Biosemiotics by placing it first in the context of worldly wonder. While other greenling spirits of the human sort have sought their existence’s fortunes on […]

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Digita Pntics: AI Umwelten, Object Ontologies and the Ghost in the Machine

Reading Time: 16 minutesBy Rahul Murdeshwar Orcid ID: 0000-0002-3766-6565 The following paper was written for the 2022 Readings of J. v. Uexküll lectures held by Riin Magnus at the University of Tartu. The concept of umwelt, or the subjective world of an individual organism, can also be applied to artificial intelligence (AI). Just as different organisms have unique […]

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The Biosemiotics of Owning a Cat

Reading Time: 8 minutesBy Thorolf Johannes Van Walsum I started to understand cats around seven months ago. It happened in the days immediately prior to leaving Canada for Tartu, Estonia. Up in Ottawa saying goodbye to my friends at home, I was high in a concrete apartment building. Josh and his girlfriend were arguing about expenses. Luna, Josh’s […]

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The Meaning of Christmas

Reading Time: 6 minutesBy Thorolf Johannes Van Walsum As I stepped into the room, a wholesome set of eyes swivelled, turned, peered and glimpsed out from their lounging perches amid the chairs and couches. The first material I was impressed with by the December 16th holiday party of philosophers and semioticians was their magnificent collection of held breaths. […]

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Birds of a feather: An interview with Pauline Suzanne Delahaye on researching crows and other corvids.

Reading Time: 6 minutesPauline Suzanne Delahaye and Andrew Mark Creighton Pauline Delahaye is a Zoosemiotician and post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Tartu, author of, A Semiotic Methodology for Animal Studies[1], and General Secretary for the Société française de Zoosémiotique[2]. In the following interview, Delahaye discusses her current research on corvids, including methodological issues she has encountered, […]

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Reading Time: 4 minutesWhat Is a “Thick Description”? Margo Begun | December 22, 2021 Clifford Geertz (1926–2006), American anthropologist, stated that culture is a context. This idea prompted him to develop a method of “thick description” in ethnographic research. A thick description of human behavior can be used to explain not only conduct but also the context. That is […]

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hortus semioticus

Hortus Semioticus is a peer reviewed online journal of semiotics featuring new generation of semiotic researchers.

Hortus Semioticus on eelretsenseeritav semiootika võrguajakiri, mis on pühendatud uue põlvkonna semiootilistele uurimustele.


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