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We invite BA and MA students from the Department of Semiotics to take part in a collaborative workshop where we put the theoretical knowledge of semiotics into practice in a collaborative manner with graphic designers. The workshop will take place: January 29 – February 2, 2024, at the Department of Semiotics. The week-long workshop consists of lectures and presentations, smaller exercises, fieldwork, workshops, and group work. Each group will work with a predefined brief on topics ranging from sustainability, identity, culture, and art, given by the team of Tartu2024. As groups, they will develop ideas, proposals, and solutions for given problems and present them at the end of the week to a jury consisting of UT and EKA teachers, Tartu2024 representatives, and guest critics from local design studios.

Besides hands-on practical experience, the course will provide 3 ECTS. Registration is now open in ÕIS II (SIS II); please note that places are limited!

For more information please visit:

hortus semioticus

Hortus Semioticus is a peer reviewed online journal of semiotics featuring new generation of semiotic researchers.

Hortus Semioticus on eelretsenseeritav semiootika võrguajakiri, mis on pühendatud uue põlvkonna semiootilistele uurimustele.


Our blog is a digital resource where everyone passionate about semiotics can share their knowledge, questions and experience on stuff that matters.

Meie blogi on koht, kus semiootikahuvilised saavad vahendada mõtteid ja infot kõigest, mis loeb.