Reading Time: 4 minutes


Katarina Damčević


Thinking about the future is as old as mankind, as is the question of the various links between past, present, and future(s). This ubiquitous question is certainly not new to semiotics, and it motivates us to consider the multifaceted nature of the discipline, along with the various ways of modelling the future. The current issue of Hortus Semioticus engages in these topics all the while marking the Tartu Summer School of Semiotics „Coming Soon“, which took place from 24-27 August 2023, and welcomed a variety of scholars and practitioners who provided their insights on the semiotic mediation of future(s).

            The current issue features three original articles, all of which explore various intersections of semiotics and future(s), including the dynamics of trauma (Ye), semiocommodities and abandoned futures (Murdeshwar), and temporal references that concern human-nature relations (Baghdasaryan). In addition to the articles, we have included three interviews with scholars who provide their own observations regarding the modelling of the future, as well as the future of semiotics, namely George Ritzer, Raine Revere, and Anti Randviir.

            The first article by Ziyi Ye is titled “The bang in Memoria as the degenerate and genuine index in the dynamics of trauma”. The author explores the representation and dynamics of trauma in the film Memoria, while stepping into scholarly dialogue with Peirce and Lacan. By focusing specifically on the role of subjective interpretation in the retroactive construction and reshaping of trauma, the author presents insights into potential ways for integrating and overcoming the unrepresentable nature of trauma.

            Rahul Murdeshwar’s article, “Haunting Futures: Spectral value in retro semiocommodities”, outlines a speculative model for locating spectral semiotic values within retro-pop cultural consumer products. In doing so, the author develops his thoughts based on the contributions by Derrida, Fisher, and Baudrillard.

            The third article in this issue, titled “The temporal coordinates behind environmental messages: the Past, the Future and the Urgent of human-nature relations”, by Naira Baghdasaryan, analyzes selected David Attenborough’s speeches by focusing on the temporal references of the delivered messages, as well as the metaphors that accompany them. The overarching question of the author’s work revolves around determining what the detected temporal references tell us about human-nature relations.

            In the first of the three interviews published in the current issue, Eleni Alexandri steps into dialogue with senior researcher in semiotics, as well as lecturer and program director at the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Anti Randviir. Randviir considers questions such as the object of study in semiotics, the responsibility of researchers, specifically those engaged in the discipline of semiotics, and comments on how he sees the evolution of semiotics in the near future.

            The second interview was held by Eleni Alexandri with the American software engineer, therapist, and independent researcher Raine Revere. The interview highlights topics such as the potential of applying semiotics in different sectors and examines its position in the rapidly evolving technological environment, as well as in the future more generally.

            The third interview was conducted by Andrew Mark Creighton with prominent American sociologist George Ritzer. In the interview, they discuss topics ranging from the dynamics of McDonaldization and rationalization, globalization, nonhuman technologies, to Ritzer’s personal and historical context revolving the development of his scholarly insights.

            The articles and interviews presented in the current issue are based on an interdisciplinary approach and provide fruitful insights into the intricacies of semiotics and/of the future(s). It is therefore with hope and enthusiasm that the presented contributions will further pave the way for new modes of exploring and contemplating this complex and intriguing topic.

            This issue was edited by Katarina Damčević, Andrew Mark Creighton, Eleni Alexandri, and Hongjin Song, with the assistance of Katre Pärn and Nelly Mäekivi. The Hortus editorial board consists of Andrew Mark Creighton, Eleni Alexandri, Katre Pärn, Keily Tammaru, Nelly Mäekivi, Hongjin Song, Siiri Tarrikas, Thorolf Johannes Van Walsum, Andrea Barone Renolfi, and Karl Joosep Pihel. Special thanks go to Ott Puumeister, J. Michael Ryan, J. Augustus Bacigalupi IV, Tyler James Bennett, Pauline Suzanne Delahaye, Erik Georg William Kõvamees, Silver Rattasepp, Mariia Cherezova, Eugenio Israel Chavez Barreto, Daniel Viveros Santillana, Thomas Bardakis, Semiolab, and the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, and all the reviewers.

Toimetajate eessõna

Tulevikule mõtlemine on sama vana kui inimkond, nagu ka küsimus mineviku, oleviku ja tuleviku/e omavahelistest suhetest. See üldlevinud küsimus ei ole uus ka semiootikale, suunates arvestama selle valdkonna mitmekesisuse ning erinevatele tuleviku modelleerimise viisidega. Käesolev Hortus Semioticuse number tegelebki nende teemadega, samas markeerides 24.–27. augustini 2023. a. toimunud Tartu semiootika suvekooli “Coming Soon”, et koos erinevate suundade uurijate ja praktikutega heita pilk tuleviku/e semiootilisele vahendamisele.

            Käesolev number sisaldab kolme algupärast artiklit, mis uurivad erinevaid kokkupuutepunkte tuleviku/e semiootikaga, nende seas trauma dünaamika (Ye), semiokaubad ja hüljatud tulevikud (Murdeshwar) ning ajalised viited inimeste ja looduse suhetes (Baghdasaryan). Artiklitele lisaks oleme numbrisse koondanud intervuud erinevate valdkondade uurijatega – George Ritzeriga, Raine Revere’iga, and Anti Randviiruga –, kes pakuvad oma tähelepanekuid tuleviku modelleerimisest ja ka semiootika tulevikust.

            Numbri avab Ziyi Ye artikkel “Pauk Memorias kui mandunud ja tõeline indeks trauma dünaamikas”. Autor uurib Peirce’i ja Lacaniga dialoogis trauma representeerimist ja dünaamikat filmis Memoria. Kesksendudes täpsemalt trauma subjektiivsele tõlgendamisele selle retroaktiivses konstrueerimises ja ümberkujundamises, uurib autor võimalikke viise, kuidas lõimida ja ületada trauma mitterepresenteeritav olemus.

         Rahul Murdeshwar’i artikkel “Kummitavad tulevikud: retro-semiokaupade spektraalne väärtus” visandab mudeli spektraalsete semiootiliste väärtuste tuvastamiseks retropopilikes tarbekaupades. Selleks toetub autor Derrida, Fisheri ja Baudrillardi käsitlustele.

            Kolmas artikkel selles numbris on Naira Baghdasaryan’i “Keskkonnasõnumite ajalised koordinaadid: minevik, tulevik ning pakiline inimese ja looduse suhetes”, milles ta analüüsib David Attenborough kõnesid, keskendudes edastatavate sõnumite ajalistele viidetele ning neid saatvatele metafooridele. Autori põhiküsimus puudutab seda, mida ütlevad tuvastatud ajalised viited inimese ja looduse suhete kohta. 

            Esimeses kolmest käesolevas numbris avaldatud intervjuudest astub Andrew Mark Creighton dialoogi ameerika sotsioloogi George Ritzeriga, arutledes erinevatel teemadel, alates mcdonaldiseerumise ja ratsionaliseerumise dünaamikast, globaliseerumisest, mitteinimlikest tehnoloogiatest kuni Ritzeri enda teadusmõtte arengut mõjutanud isikliku ja ajaloolise kontekstini.

            Teise intervjuu tegi Eleni Alexandri ameerika tarkvaraarendaja, terapeudi ja sõltumatu uurija Raine Revere’iga. Intervjuu keskseteks teemadeks olid semiootika rakendamise võimalused erinevates valdkondades, selle positsioon kiiresti arenevas tehnoloogilises keskkonnas ning samuti tulevik üldisemas võtmes.

            Kolmanda intervjuu tegi Eleni Alexandri Tartu Ülikooli semiootika osakonna õppejõu ja programmijuhi Anti Randviiruga, käsitledes teemasid nagu semiootika uurimisobjekt, uurijate ja eelkõige semiootikute vastutus ning semiootika arengud lähitulevikus.

            Käesolevasse numbrisse koondatud artiklid ja intervjuud põhinevad interdistsiplinaarsel lähenemisel, pakkudes viljakaid mõttearendusi semiootika ja tuleviku/e kokkupuutekohtadest. Me loodame, et need loovad pinnase uutele viisidele, kuidas seda keerukat ja intrigeerivat  teemat uurida ja sellest mõelda.

            Numbri toimetajaks olid Katarina Damčević, Andrew Mark Creighton, Eleni Alexandri ja Hongjin Song, abilisteks Katre Pärn ja Nelly Mäekivi. Hortuse toimestusse kuuluvad Andrew Mark Creighton, Eleni Alexandri, Katre Pärn, Nelly Mäekivi, Hongjin Song, Siiri Tarrikas, Andrea Barone Renolfi ja Karl Joosep Pihel. Erilised tänusõnad Ott Puumeisterile, J. Michael Ryanile, J. Augustus Bacigalupi IV-le, Tyler James Bennettile, Pauline Suzanne Delahaye’le, Erik Georg William Kõvamehele, Silver Rattaseppale, Mariia Cherezovale, Eugenio Israel Chavez Barretole, Daniel Viveros Santillanale, Thomas Bardakisile, samuti kõikidele retsensentidele.